Aqua DiveLog for Palm OS Documentation

Aqua DiveLog for Palm OS - Notes Form

show dive conditions
show dive record
show dive profile
Dive GoTo Edit Options
New Dive /D Diver Info /I Cut Dive Number
Upload Computer /U Dive Log /L Copy Preferences /Y
Delete Dive Dive Record Paste Plugin Setup /S
previous /P Dive Conditions Edit Mode /E Dive Computer List
next /N Equipment About ...
Dive Schedule
Dive Profile
Dive Notes

This form shows information about the dive conditions.

The first two lines holds the basic dive data: date /time, location / place.

You can select a rating of the dive 1 (worst) ... 5 (best).
The rest of the page is free for your personal dive notes.

To change your notes, the form has to be in edit mode, indicated by the asterisk in the title bar (* Dive # ). If the form isn't in edit mode, all your new entries will be ignored.
To switch to edit mode or back to display mode, select the Edit Mode [/E]entry from the Edit menu.

Press the Dive Record button to go back to the primary form.

To go to the overview Main Form, tap the index icon.

Use the menu command previous, next [/P, /N] to jump directly to the previous or next dive record.
If the actually shown dive is the last saved dive and you use the next command, a new dive entry will be created.

The New Dive [/D] menu command will append a new dive to your logbook.